Thursday, January 18, 2007


In an effort to inform people, many facts about those agencies and businesses overseen by the NRC, are kept , transparently, in an online database. Each night at midnight, the NRC reading room is refreshed with all the trivialities of the previous day's operations, in some 300 facilities. Nowhere else, especially not in any other governmental agency, is such openness practiced.However, a cottage industry, or avocation, or clique (some would say cult of suspicion) has arisen, fed by speculations, guesses, and misreadings by compulsive types, who actually stay up until 2 A.M. , to read all this trivial crap, and in general try to inject it with much more somber overtones, dreadful implications, and paranoid connections than the stuff really warrants.And what do they do with it? They try to impugn NRC, the provider, they try to guess how they themselves might fantasy-quarterback the nuclear industry, and they talk of vast conspiracies.

In reality, they are lost souls, nutcase loners, misusing the public outreach meant to inform people, in order to create a hollow bubble of mock self importance, as bogus bearers of some doomsday message (which they glean from NRC's tea leaves.)

In this way, the nuclear industry, and NRC, can be truly accused
of having made people sick.
Mentally sick.

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