Activists call for independent witch assessment. Having seen Blair Witch Project over and over again, many on the progressive left feel it is time to call for an IWA.
We hereby call for Governor Spitzer, and President-to-be Obama to assign a blue ribbon panel of clergymen from all faiths, especially shamans, to perform an Independent Witch Assessment, to determine if unseen and unholy essences are emanating from local electrical plugs due to imaginary spells and curses said to be centered on Entergy's Indian Point Nuclear Plant.
It is hoped the proper spells and incantations can determine if there are actually any "Nuclear Woes" at the plant, or if these are simply the malicious wishes of antinuclear cultists, hoping to close the plant, and install the world's largest Tofu factory and Hemp Farm at the Buchanan New York site.
Those wishing to volunteer as Tofu culturalists are advised to call 1-800-IMA-TOFU,
to submit past progressive rally attendance credentials, and make the appropriate donation. ($350 is suggested, children, $175...... Seniors, $155).
indian point
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