I am human, I am writing, I need readers. Are you out there?
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007

How long will the truth be witheld, by crass media conspirators? Everyone in Westchester, Putnam, Rockland and Orange counties IS GOING TO DIE! The sooner we all face facts, and own up to our doom, the sooner we can begin to understand things. By the year 2087, 95% of those alive today WILL HAVE DIED! In 2090, only those above the age of 83 will be left OF ALL THE BILLIONS OF THOSE LIVING TODAY! And.... if we gather our courage, looking beyond the turn of the 22nd century, there will soon come a point where NOT A SINGLE PERSON NOW LIVING WILL SURVIVE!
True, there will be an estimated 9.2 billion humans by the year 2050, 15 billion by 2100, but very very few of that crowd will be us! So...... since these horrible deaths, from a million different causes (mostly old age) are even now hurtling in on us, like the headsman's fatal swing, how can anybody expect us to be hopeful, or to plan for a better world--WHEN FOR US, ITS GONNA BE NO FRIGGIN WORLD AT ALL?
That's why I choose to call this planet earth THE BIG MAUSOLEUM IN SPACE, circling the Sun holding all our dead bodies, a veritable charnel house of the solar system, spinning endlessly mocking all our failed lives, broken dreams, broken arms, environmental injustices, erectile dysfunction, and failures to start a new anti-nuclear tantric anarchist movement!
In fact, the surface of this DEATH-PLANET will be forever strewn with the garbage, the offal, and the stench of our having lived here, crapped the place up, thrown our wine bottles around, cut down a billion trees, AND THEN FRIGGIN DIED, before finishing the job. I guess the cockroaches will get to do that.
That's why I'm changing my name to to PORKIE DEATHSUCKER, because I live in PIGSKILL New York, THE DEAD BODIES CAPITAL OF THE HUDSON RIVER! And that's why I blog so often, to bring to the public, my view of life as a death-pit, my view of the planet as a graveyard, and my view of Pigskill, as the condemned ward of the deathrow prison known as modern day existence.
To show how doomish life really is I HAVE BROKEN MY OWN ARM! Next month I am going to cut off my own foot, and sautee it with a bit of sage and garlic, and EAT MY OWN FOOT IN FRONT OF THE CAPITOL THEATER, in protest against the fact that my foot is gonna die, even if I don't eat it.
And that's why I choose to call Indian Point the Cannibal village on the Hudson, because I'm psychotic, and a cannibal, and eat my own foot in Pigskill, which is near Indian Point, which is the icon I'm pretending to be obsessed with trying to become as famous as my wife is , because she gets to talk to celebrities AND I DON'T.
All I get to do is dig garden dirt, like some Mexican.
Technorati Profile
Sunday, January 28, 2007

The unfortunate dweeb in the center of all this, most likely doesn't yet realize, that his reasons for taking his pose are entirely trivial, impure, and social, and stem entirely from his own social inadequacies. Having no familiarity with books, literature, fashion, drama, history, science, sports, children, community affairs, religion, or professional life on any productive scene, and not having any established family connections to give him local weight, or decent stature in anyone's network whatsoever, our "hero" is forced to suck up.
In a marvelous total transformation, he has taken sucking up far beyond the servile, (for our man is internally competitive, although without resources), and developed a surefire "Nobody Else Will Be Staking Out THIS Ground" beyond-the-fringism, that allows him to reprimand all his societally superior aquaintances how lukewarm they are, how white hot he can become, how dogged, how far-out, how radical.... to the point where , by abusing his friends, he generates a little "cone of charisma" among the lukewarmers, a little psycho-sexual notice, and a little mafia-type "respect" (meaning fear), a fear based on his currying the notion that he might, just might, go way beyond what his betters are willing to--even while sucking up to them. Instead of saying "I'm a predatory uneducated loser" he says: "I'm an activist." This is entirely bogus. It's a substitute for understanding issues. It sees normal society as a series of failures, sellouts, and conspiracies. It is an attempt to "lead from the servant's quarters". It is posing for other people's wives, that they might notice him. It may stem from chronic alcohol and marijuana abuse. It does NOT build organizations, it's neurotic, unstable, useless to the mainstream, and a shabby attempt to launder minor addictive and insanity tendencies as "personality quirks". The fact that it's ignorantly tragic, does elicit sympathy (even in this writer), but the perp himself has demonstrated time and again, a great eagerness to "bite the hand that feeds him", and turn on those he has slavishly stalked, curried, claimed to support. In a word??? Unpalatable? Outcast? Loose cannon? Would-be-manipulator? Ugly soul? A three word appellation comes to mind (sounding rather biblical in tone): "The Angry Peon"., or "The Bad Servant".
Unable to allow leaders to lead, or doers to do, he rakes us all with contempt and suspicion, seeking "dirt" and gossip-column trivia to throw in society's face. He has invested almost half a year, in selling his pointless rage, paranoia, and constant accusation at just about every person, organization, or phenomenon within his reach. When will he begin to see that no one is buying, or even shopping in his aisle?? It tastes lousy, Porg. It stinks. Nobody wants it, or even cares. Maybe you need to go join a monastery. God is patient, and can take the stupid whining. Nobody else can.
Tags: indian porgie point royce john hall take19 tirebiter penstinger martinelli sherwood pia dinero boo tano nuclear portsmouth point indian entergy hudson peekskill activist mental health delusion neurosis phish scam
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007

Activists call for independent witch assessment. Having seen Blair Witch Project over and over again, many on the progressive left feel it is time to call for an IWA.
We hereby call for Governor Spitzer, and President-to-be Obama to assign a blue ribbon panel of clergymen from all faiths, especially shamans, to perform an Independent Witch Assessment, to determine if unseen and unholy essences are emanating from local electrical plugs due to imaginary spells and curses said to be centered on Entergy's Indian Point Nuclear Plant.
It is hoped the proper spells and incantations can determine if there are actually any "Nuclear Woes" at the plant, or if these are simply the malicious wishes of antinuclear cultists, hoping to close the plant, and install the world's largest Tofu factory and Hemp Farm at the Buchanan New York site.
Those wishing to volunteer as Tofu culturalists are advised to call 1-800-IMA-TOFU,
to submit past progressive rally attendance credentials, and make the appropriate donation. ($350 is suggested, children, $175...... Seniors, $155).
indian point
Friday, January 19, 2007
Independent Witch Assessment for Indian Point

Activists call for independent witch assessment. Having seen Blair Witch Project over and over again, many on the progressive left feel it is time to call for an IWA.
We hereby call for Governor Spitzer, and President-to-be Obama to assign a blue ribbon panel of clergymen from all faiths, especially shamans, to perform an Independent Witch Assessment, to determine if unseen and unholy essences are emanating from local electrical plugs due to imaginary spells and curses said to be centered on Entergy's Indian Point Nuclear Plant.
It is hoped the proper spells and incantations can determine if there are actually any "Nuclear Woes" at the plant, or if these are simply the malicious wishes of antinuclear cultists, hoping to close the plant, and install the world's largest Tofu factory and Hemp Farm at the Buchanan New York site.
Those wishing to volunteer as Tofu culturalists are advised to call 1-800-IMA-TOFU,
to submit past progressive rally attendance credentials, and make the appropriate donation. ($350 is suggested, children, $175...... Seniors, $155).
Technorati Profile
Thursday, January 18, 2007
In an effort to inform people, many facts about those agencies and businesses overseen by the NRC, are kept , transparently, in an online database. Each night at midnight, the NRC reading room is refreshed with all the trivialities of the previous day's operations, in some 300 facilities. Nowhere else, especially not in any other governmental agency, is such openness practiced.However, a cottage industry, or avocation, or clique (some would say cult of suspicion) has arisen, fed by speculations, guesses, and misreadings by compulsive types, who actually stay up until 2 A.M. , to read all this trivial crap, and in general try to inject it with much more somber overtones, dreadful implications, and paranoid connections than the stuff really warrants.And what do they do with it? They try to impugn NRC, the provider, they try to guess how they themselves might fantasy-quarterback the nuclear industry, and they talk of vast conspiracies.
In reality, they are lost souls, nutcase loners, misusing the public outreach meant to inform people, in order to create a hollow bubble of mock self importance, as bogus bearers of some doomsday message (which they glean from NRC's tea leaves.)
In this way, the nuclear industry, and NRC, can be truly accused
of having made people sick.
Mentally sick.
In reality, they are lost souls, nutcase loners, misusing the public outreach meant to inform people, in order to create a hollow bubble of mock self importance, as bogus bearers of some doomsday message (which they glean from NRC's tea leaves.)
In this way, the nuclear industry, and NRC, can be truly accused
of having made people sick.
Mentally sick.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
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